V Trento Antitrust Conference
On 18 April, research fellow Claudio Lombardi took part as guest speaker to the ‘V Trento Antitrust Conference’, Italy.
Lombardi intervened on the activities of the Antitrust Observatory in UK, in particular speaking about the analysis and diffusion of competition law enforcement in the English speaking antitrust community. He gave an account of the last 6 months of competition law enforcement in EU.
The Conference took place from 16-18 April in Trento and focused on three main topics:
- Global-Local Competition Law enforcement: rights protection, challenges and opportunities;
- The transposition of the Directive on damages actions and Recommendation on collective redress;
- Competition enforcement in action: sectors of intervention and new frontiers.
The event was supported by the Italian Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato, the French Autoritè de la Concurrence and the Luxembourg Conseil de la Concurrence.
21 April