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International Conference on Issues of Antitrust Regulation and Intellectual Property in the New Economy: a Sino-Russian Perspective

On July 9th, the Institute for Law and Development held an international conference jointly with the Centre for Competition Law and Policy of Shanghai University and University College London.

This conference became the most recent step in the Institute's progress in strengthening relations between the scientific community and the competition authorities of the BRICS countries and was aimed at the development of cooperation with our Chinese partners and the development of joint approaches to regulation of the new economy based on the circulation of knowledge.

Discussed during the conference were general issues of the application of competition law to the markets of the new economy, and the peculiarities of individual sectors therein, biotechnology for example, with cases from the practice of the antitrust agencies of China and Russia and a number of mature economies.
At the conference, in addition to representatives of the academic community of China, were representatives of Russia and several countries of Europe and America, with detailed reports made by the heads of the antitrust authorities of China and judges of the country's higher courts.