Eurasian Business Forum in the Kingdom of Bahrain
At the invitation of Her Highness Shaikha Dheya Bint Ebrahim Al Khalifa, the head of Bahrain's Riyadh Group, Leading Research Fellow of the Institute Kirilл Molodyko moderated the panel "Jurisdiction of the Future" and spoke during the Eurasian Business Forum, held May 11-13 in the capital of the Kingdom of Bahrain, Manama.
Kirilд in his speech drew particular attention to the fact that successful economic cooperation is impossible without an analysis of the legal structures already established both in Russia and in the Islamic world for the prospects of their future interaction, the joint development by professionals of the results of such analysis of new integrated designs, which would not contradict the values of both societies. During the talk, the speaker gave an assessment of some modern legal constructions from a value-based point of view. In his opinion, it is extremely important to avoid a situation in which the intensive development of technology would undermine the value systems historically established in Russia or in the Arab Gulf states. There was high interest from the audience and a stream of audience questions, including from Her Highness, which was prompted by the concept of commodity bonds proposed by Mr. Molodyko, such that could correspond to the principles of Sharia, which could become a real mechanism for promoting agricultural exports for the countries of the Arabian Gulf.