International Conference on the Global Food Value Chain: Competition Law and Policy at Crossroads
The idea of the conference is to engage closely with competition authorities from the BRICS countries but also beyond and to involve international academics from law and economics/sociology of markets in order to test our ideas and proceed to the publication of an edited volume on “Global Food Value Chains and Competition Law” to be submitted to Cambridge University press.
The conference will form part of a new BRICS initiative, the BRICS Joint Research Platform on Competition Law and Policy, which will be officially launched during the conference in St Petersburg by the heads of the BRICS Competition Authorities.
The conference will be structured in two days, May 18th and May 20th, with 7 panels taking place during these two days and engaging a diverse audience of policy makers, practitioners and academics.
The first part of the conference will take the form of an academic workshop which will take place on Wednesday May 18th, 2016. Although the workshop will be open to the public, we expect the audience to be mainly academics and researchers/students from the Faculty of laws in St Petersburg as well as competition officials.
The second part of the conference will be integrated in the St Petersburg International Legal Forum, the most important annual international legal event in Russia. Our event will be integrated in the forum’s programme, in particular a series of events dedicated to BRICS, and organized by the Federal Antitrust Service of the Russian Federation in collaboration with other BRICS Competition Authorities. The heads of the BRICS competition authorities and senior staff have been invited to contribute to both parts of the conference but will take a more prominent role in this second part. We expect an audience of officials, business leaders and legal advisors attending the second part of our meeting.