The Institute at Kazan Legal
Director of the Institute Alexey Ivanov and leading researcher Maxim Bashkatov spoke at the International Legal Forum Kazan Legal, which took place, as the name implies, in Kazan on September 14th to 16th, 2017.
Alexey Ivanov attended the session "Antitrust aspects of entrepreneurial activity: competition in the digital economy". The fourth industrial revolution is governed by the factor of access to advanced technologies, which completely transform the economy. What happens to the markets? How is competition manifested? What are the challenges facing the regulator? Are the existing mechanisms of antitrust regulation sufficient for an adequate response to new trends? How is there to be balance between the development of innovation markets and antitrust control? The co-moderators of the session were Andrey Tsarikovsky, State Secretary, Deputy Head of the FAS Russia and Natalia Korosteleva, Head of the Antitrust Practice at the Egorov Puginsky Afanasiev & Partners Law Office
Maksim Bashkatov spoke at the panel discussion "Legislative regulation of the digital economy: Blockchain. Internet of Things", where he spoke about the legal aspects of regulating blockchain. All five of the five highest valued companies in the world belong to the IT sector. Data is called the "new oil" of the economy. Russia, in closing the gap regarding leaders in the field, intends to invest 100 billion rubles a year under the Federal Target Program (FTP), the total value of the stimulus to the Russian economy for the "digital future" receives an expert FTP estimate of 185 trillion rubles for 7 years. At the same time, measures are being taken to regulate digital markets, which, because of their differences from traditional industries, require new approaches to regulation and legislative changes. At the same time, separate bills - on internet aggregators, VPNs, big data, etc. - cause a restrained reaction or even criticism of market players. Other bills, for example regarding robots, are of interest, but their adoption is postponed. What regulation is required by digital markets and how is a balance to be struck between government, private, and societal interests?