International Legal Competition Prizewinners Prepared at the Institute
The contest in the format of a trial simulation of the Court of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEC) was held for the first time among the universities of the countries participating in the EAEC.
The Institute took part in the preparation of a team of students from the Higher School of Economics, which won prizes at the legal competition (moot court) "Dispute Resolution in the Eurasian Economic Union". The team took first place in the written stage of the competition and third place in the team event. The trainers were Yulia Nesterchuk, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Business Law, and Maxim Karlyuk, Research Fellow at the Institute. The team included Arthur Beryoza (graduate of the International Private Law Master's Program), Nikita Tsepkov (2nd year of International Private Law Master's program), Olga Ganina (3rd year of Bachelor's Degree), Tamilla Imanova (3rd year of Bachelor's degree).
The contest was honoured by the presence of several judges of the Court of the EAEU, including the chair of the court, Alexander Fedortsov.
7 December