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The Head of the Brazilian Antitrust Service Holds a Practical Competition Session

Special guest of the Institute, Commissioner of Brazil's Council for Economic Defence (CADE), Professor Mario de Oliveira Júnior, along with Ioannis Lianos, Chief Researcher at the HSE-Skolkovo Institute for Law and Development, together held a practical discussion session on the direction of development of antitrust in BRICS countries.

BRICS Competition Authority Heads Back Institute Project

On the second day of Competition Week, September 22, at a meeting of the heads of the antitrust authorities of BRICS countries, Alexey Ivanov and Ioannis Lianos spoke about the recent experience in running a pilot project to optimise the operation and regulation of the food industry in BRICS countries.

Institute Project Presented at the Competition Week of the BRICS Antitrust Authorities

Head of the Institute Alexey Ivanov and Head of Research Initiatives Ioannis Lianos on the first day of the international 'Russian Competition Week' presented an Institute project to BRICS delegates on the topic of global food chains. The meeting was moderated by the Deputy Head of the Federal Antimonopoly service Andrey Tsyganov, who noted the special importance of competition in socially important markets and the importance of the BRICS to food security.

Internship at the Vienna University of Economics

The Institute to Convene a BRICS Session in Russian Competition Week

BRICS Food Policy Value Chains Project Presentation at the UNCTAD

International Antitrust Discussion Platform to be based at Institute

On the 22-23rd June the BRICS Competition Law and Policy Forum took place at HSE St Petersburg. The international conference was organised jointly by the HSE-Skolkovo Institute for Law and Development, the Centre for Law, Economics and Society at UCL and the Russian Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS). Heads of antitrust departments and experts from the BRICS and the EEC were joined by leading academics and experts on competition law from Europe and the US.

Russia Financial Law at the University of Vienna

The Institute to Discuss Approaches to Antitrust Regulation for BRICS

The HSE-Skolkovo Institute for Law and Development is organising the BRICS Competition Law and Policy Workshop. This key event for the international legal community specialising in the field of competition law will be held in St. Petersburg, June 22-23.

IGLP International Conference at Harvard Law School

Research Fellow Maksim Karliuk took part in an International Conference of the Institute for Global Law & Policy (IGLP) at Harvard Law School on 1-2 June 2015. The conference brought together researchers and scholars from around the world to present their research and participate in discussions in the framework of panels on a variety of topics involving heterodox traditions and approaches.