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Regular version of the site


Meeting of the International Working Group on the Research of Competition Issues in the Pharmaceutical Sector

On March 24 at the World Trade Centre a joint meeting of the International Working Group on the research of competition issues in the pharmaceutical sector was held, with the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia, with a high-level panel discussion on: "the Experience of the BRICS countries in overcoming the HIV/AIDS epidemic: the availability of medicines". The Institute contributed to the discussion.

Discussion on the Regulation of the Pharmaceutical Industry: the IPNet group

On March 22, the Skolkovo Foundation together with the Institute for Law and Development organised a discussion on the problems in the field of intellectual property and competition in pharma. The event was another in a series of discussions conducted by the working group IPNet NTI, developing steps to change the regulatory environment for IP.

New Issue of the Journal LAW (Zakon): Competition in the New Economy

Under the aegis of the Institute, was prepared second issue of leading national journal "Law" (Zakon): "Competition in the New Economy".

The Institute & the Roundtable for Medicine Patents

On February 19, 2016, Rospatent held a roundtable on "the Patenting of Medicines and Methods of Treatment: whether or not the balance of interests is respected".

Alexey Ivanov on "The Russian Presidency of BRICS: Results of Cooperation Between Competition Authorities"

February 18 saw a press conference held at the offices of Rossiya Segodnya with the participation of FAS leadership and the Director of the Institute for Law and Development.

Victory at the Panrussian Competition for the Research Work of Young Scholars of Comparative Jurisprudence

Institute staffer Maksim Karliuk's work takes first place in the category "the Impact of International Law on National Legal Systems".

A Session on the Future of Intellectual Property

27 January saw a regular meeting of the IPNet National Technology Initiative group, which focussed on the development of a vision of intellectual property for the year 2035.

Report on Pharmaceutical Industry Issues to be Published by Kluwer Law International

Institute Team Success at ICC Lex Mercatoria

Alexey Ivanov at the Assembly of the Council of External and Defence Policy

On November 28 in Moscow a session of the Council of External and Defence Policy was held. Director of the Institute Alexey Ivanov participated at the first session, 'Reserves, Platforms, Freelance Action, to discuss the role of Russia in the new global dynamics.