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Harvard Workshop on Global Law and Policy in Qatar: Part 2

Research Fellow Maksim Karliuk on Harvard Law School’s Institute for Global Law & Policy Workshop, which took place from 2 to 11 January 2015 in Education City in Doha, Qatar.

Harvard Workshop on Global Law and Policy in Qatar

Leading Research Fellow Kirill Molodyko and Research Fellow Maksim Karliuk were selected among one hundred young and promising scholars to participate in the high-level scientific workshop of the Harvard Institute for Global Law and Policy. Kirill shares his experience and impressions in our blog.

"Old and New Economic Theories of Brands and Competition Law: Rethinking the Relationship": an Open Lecture by Ioannis Lianos

First Results of the Lab’s Research for the Eurasian Economic Commission Presented

On December 15 Alexey Ivanov made a report at the Working Group of the Eurasian Economic Commission that was set up to study and analyze the economic factors affecting the selection of a specific regime for the exhaustion of exclusive rights and, accordingly, turnover from foreign products - parallel import.

Vladimir Sivitsky: "If we all do what we ought to do following the spirit and the letter of the Constitution, life will be better, the country will flourish, and people’s lives will be fulfilled."

12 December is Constitution Day in Russia. Vladimir Sivitsky shares his reflections on the meaning of the Constitution for the country and for society.

Leopold Specht is Stream Convener at the Harvard IGLP Workshop

In January 2015 in Doha Dr. Specht will lead the research track "Legal Architecture of Monetary Integration" at the workhop of the Institute for Global Law and Policy.

Ioannis Lianos Gave a Speech at the IP Roundtable

On December 1, a roundtable session was held at the Skolkovo Hypercube, organized within the context of cooperation between the Foundation and the Intellectual Property Court.

Rector of University of Turin Prof. Gianmaria Ajani Attended the Lab

Prof. Ajani along with Professor Pietro Fre, the scientific attaché to the Italian Ambassador to Russia, attended a meeting with the management of the Laboratory and some specially invited experts.

Discussion in Almaty on How Best to Protect Competition in the Common Economic Space

Laboratory Head Alexey Ivanov gave a presentation analysing the concept of the exhaustion of proprietary rights in contemporary Russia, at the international conference "Protection of Competition and Exclusive Rights. Creating Environment for Free Sale of Products in the Territory of the Common Economic Space".

The Laboratory is to Conduct Research for the Eurasian Economic Commission

At a meeting between senior figures at the Laboratory and the EEC Minister of Economics and Financial Policy, Timur Suleimenov, held on October 6, it was decided that an expert report should be drawn up on the selection of systems for the exhaustion of intellectual property rights.