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The Institute and Antitrust Agenda at St. Petersburg International Legal Forum

Within the framework of the St. Petersburg International Legal Forum held on May 16-20, the Higher School of Economics Skolkovo Institute for Law and Development, in close collaboration with the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia, organised a series of sessions on the most pressing problems of antitrust regulation.

Alexey Ivanov at the RCCA Session of the St. Petersburg Legal Forum

On May 15th, the Russian Corporate Counsel Association (RCCA, non-commercial partnership) held the 7th Annual Scientific and Practical Conference, the theme being: "Futurology in Jurisprudence: How to make the new Russian legal ideas global", and it was delivered with the participation of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia, and the Ministry of Justice of Russia, together with the support of the audit and consulting firm EY, the international law firm Dentons, and the Goltsblat BLP law firm. The event was held within the framework of the St. Petersburg International Legal Forum. Director of the Institute Alexey Ivanov acted as speaker.

Non-voluntary Licensing for Innovative Development: a Zakon article, May edition

On the eve of the discussions at the St. Petersburg International Legal Forum, the May issue of the journal "Zakon" ("Law") is published, carrying an article by Institute Director, Alexey Ivanov.

The Eurasian Economic Union: is supranational law and the judicial system capable of stimulating economic development?

The HSE-Skolkovo Institute for Law and Development held the session "The Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU): is supranational law and the judicial system capable of stimulating economic development?" as part of the annual April International Scientific Conference of the Higher School of Economics.

Round Table: Special Legal Regimes of Territories as an Instrument of Development

Within the framework of the 18th April Conference of the Higher School of Economics, the Institute held a round table devoted to special legal regimes.

Alexey Ivanov at the Eurasian Antitrust Forum

The Global Value Chain in Competition Law

On February 1, Institute Director Alexey Ivanov took part in the international conference "The Global Value Chain in Competition Law", organised by Institute partner, the Centre for Law, Economics, and Society at University College London. 

Igor Artemiev, Head of FAS, Visits Skolkovo

Public Lecture by Professor Friedl Weiss

At the invitation of the Skolkovo-HSE Institute for Law and Development, on December 1st, 2016, the Higher School of Economics Faculty of Law received Friedl Weiss, professor at Vienna University, and the Vienna Diplomatic Academy.

Conference on Competition Policy in the New Economy

At the Skolkovo Hypercube complex, an international conference was jointly organised by the Skolkovo Foundation, the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia (FAS), and the Institute for Law and Development. Russian and foreign experts discussed the challenges faced by antitrust authorities upon the backdrop of new economic realities.