Presentation of BRICS Competition Law and Policy Centre at BRICS countries' competition authorities meeting
The heads of the BRICS countries' competition authorities met in a new online format. Alexey Ivanov, Director of the BRICS Competition Law and Policy Centre, made a presentation on the work of the Centre.
Alexey Ivanov: Digital monopolies dress up in sheep's clothing
The threat of increasing monopolisation in the digital sphere, due to the transition of business and everyday activities from physical to the cyberspace, has become one of the main topics of the session of the SPBILF - "9½: the Rules of Corona".
The Dangers of Google, Alibaba, Amazon, and Facebook during and after the Worldwide Isolation
The director of the HSE-Skolkovo Institute for Law and Development and the BRICS Competition Law and Policy Research Centre Alexey Ivanov explained the digital reality and the future from the perspective of the antitrust law in his interview to the leading Russian broadsheet 'KP'.
Profitable takeover: how pharmaceutical giants kill competition
On March 13, the BRICS Antimonopoly Center, together with the FAS Russia, held a meeting of the BRICS working group on competition in the pharmaceutical markets.
Director of the Institute as guest editor of the journal "Law"
The February issue of the esteemed journal is dedicated to the topic “Protection of Competition and the Human Factor”.
Ivan Starikov: “Vavilov’s ashes are beating in my heart” - what plant breeders said at “Where the Margin is 2020”
Within the framework of the international agricultural conference “Where the Margin is 2020” on February 6, the HSE Technological Transfer Center (TTC) held a panel discussion “Russian seed production in light of world experience: problems and opportunities”. The main points of discussion were presented as exclusive material thanks to the Agro XXI portal.
Maxim Medvedkov on Trends in Global Regulation of International Trade
On the evening of February 7, honored guest of the Institute was the head of the Department of Trade Policy at the Higher School of Economics National Research University, Maxim Yurievich Medvedkov, who until recently headed the Department of Trade Negotiations of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, and did so for many years. Our speaker outlined the topic of his speech as “New Trends in the Global Regulation of International Trade”. The meeting was moderated by Kirill Molodyko, Leading Researcher at the HSE-Skolkovo Institute for Law and Development, Associate Professor of the Law Department of the Higher School of Economics.
Alexey Ivanov: "People tend to give away valuable things, the importance of which they do not fully understand"
The Director of the Institute commented to RBC TV about the creation of a personal data marketplace in Russia.
Affiliate Finance and the Middle EastAffiliate Finance and the Middle East
Affiliate Finance anEmployee of the Institute, Madina Kalimullina, presented the project of the laboratory for finance partnership at the Middle East Congress.d the Middle East
Competition in the Digital Age: Challenges and Opportunities for the EAEU
On December 13, the Eurasian Economic Commission organized an international seminar on the theme “A modern view of the competitiveness of the economy: Challenges and prospects for the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union and the Commonwealth of Independent States”. Director of the Institute, Alexey Ivanov, made a presentation on the challenges of competition in digital markets.